Publish directories of people profiles, add a collection of interactive live chatrooms to your pages, and create your very own social network for online discussions through one unified interface. Everything integrates with your
website systems, allowing you to create a vibrant community for your website visitors to explore.
Social Network: Install an entire social network, complete with profiles, online discussions, and unlimited categories of friending.
Directories: Publish directories of profiles from your saved people searches. Show profile pictures, bios, contact links and more.
Live Chat: Enabled instant live chat on your website! Create unlimited chatrooms with unlimited participants and moderation controls.
Complete Feature List of our Online Community Management Tools
No need to use third-party tools - you get the complete PushPowerCMS suite of tools to enable online community to live on your website.
Fast Installation: All features of our community manager can literally be installed in minutes!
Complete Social Network: Host a social network centered on conversations. Unlimited discussions.
Social Profiles: Visitors can create online profiles, upload their photos, and friend other visitors.
Unlimited Networks: Social networks are built around topics, and we give you unlimited topics!
Dynamic Directories: Add people to your database and publish them to any page you want from a saved search.
Fast Installation, Multiple Options: Customize your directories and publish them to any page in minutes.
Easy Chatroom Creation: It takes just seconds to create a Java-based chatroom with unlimited participants.
Multiple Chatroom Options: Create a directory of chatrooms or install individual chatrooms to any page.